Code source wiki de Install

Modifié par Vincent Massol le 2011/08/12 21:26

Masquer les derniers auteurs
Vincent Massol 1.1 1 = Meeting Manager Code Install =
3 {{velocity}}
4 #if(!$xwiki.hasAdminRights())
5 {{error}}
6 You are running this script as a non admin. It will have no effect. Login as admin.
7 {{/error}}
8 #else
9 This script automatically set the owner of the pages in MMCode. This will allow the priviledged scripts included in them to work.
10 #end
12 #if(!$xwiki.exists("XWiki.MapExtension"))
13 {{warning}}The Map Extension component is not installed properly. You will need to download the Map Extension component from and install it{{/warning}}
14 #end
15 #if(!$xwiki.exists("XWiki.LiveValidation"))
16 {{warning}}The Live Validation Extension component is not installed properly. You will need to download the LiveValidation Extension component from and install it{{/warning}}
17 #end
18 #if(!$xwiki.exists("XWiki.DatePickerExtension"))
19 {{warning}}The DatePicker Extension component is not installed properly. You will need to download the DatePicker Extension component from and install it{{/warning}}
20 #end
21 #if(!$xwiki.exists("XWiki.ModalBox"))
22 {{warning}}The ModalBox Extension component is not installed properly. You will need to download the ModalBox Extension component from and install it{{/warning}}
23 #end
25 #if($request.confirm=="1")
26 Assigning programming rights to the following pages:
27 #else
28 [[Confirm assigning programming rights to the following pages:>>$doc.fullName?confirm=1]]
29 #end
31 #foreach($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments("where doc.web='MMCode' or doc.fullName like 'XWiki.Meeting%' or doc.fullName in ('XWiki.ModalBox', 'XWiki.MapExtension', 'XWiki.LiveValidation', 'XWiki.DatePickerExtension')"))
32 * $item #if($request.confirm=="1") $xwiki.getDocument($item).save() #end
34 #end
36 #set($transdoc = $xwiki.getDocument("XWiki.XWikiPreferences"))
37 #set($ok = $transdoc.use("XWiki.XWikiPreferences"))
38 #set($transprefs = $transdoc.getValue("documentBundles"))
39 #if($transprefs.indexOf("MMCode.MeetingManagerTranslations")==-1)
40 #if($request.confirm=="1")
41 #set($transprefs = "${transprefs},MMCode.MeetingManagerTranslations")
42 #set($ok = $transdoc.set("documentBundles", $transprefs))
43 #set($ok = $
44 #end
45 * Added translation bundle to XWiki Preferences
46 #end
48 ## fixing the meeting template to have no date set
49 ## otherwise we can't use the date selection
50 #set($templatedoc = $xwiki.getDocument("MMCode.MeetingClassTemplate"))
51 #set($ok = $templatedoc.use("MMCode.MeetingClass"))
52 #if($templatedoc.display("date")!="01/01/2000")
53 * Fixing template default date
54 #if($request.confirm=="1")
55 #set($ok = $templatedoc.set("date", "01/01/2000"))
56 #set($ok = $templatedoc.set("starttime", "00:00"))
57 #set($ok = $templatedoc.set("endtime", "00:00"))
58 #set($ok = $
59 #end
60 #end
61 {{/velocity}}