Code source wiki de MeetingManagerMacros

Modifié par Vincent Massol le 2011/08/13 09:46

Masquer les derniers auteurs
Vincent Massol 1.1 1 {{velocity output=false}}
2 #**
3 * Display a help message (similar to info, warning, error, etc.)
4 *#
5 #macro(help $text)
6 <div class="helpmessage">$text</div>
7 #end
8 #**
9 * User avatar 2, with image size, using the image plugin.
10 *
11 * @todo: re-write useravatar in XE's macros.vm
12 *#
13 #macro(avatar $username)
14 #if(!$picturelist)
15 #set($picturelist = $util.hashMap)
16 #end
17 #if(!$picturelist.containsKey($username))
18 #set($picture = "<img src='")
19 #set($picture = $picture.concat($xwiki.getSkinFile("noavatar.png")))
20 #set($picture = $picture.concat("' alt='$username' title='$username'/>"))
21 #set($profiledoc = $xwiki.getDocument($username))
22 #if(!$profiledoc.isNew())
23 #set($profileobj = $profiledoc.getObject("XWikiUsers", 0))
24 #if($profiledoc.attachmentList.size() != 0)
25 #set($hasavatar = 0)
26 #if($profileobj.avatar && $profileobj.avatar != "")
27 #foreach ($attach in $profiledoc.attachmentList)
28 #if($attach.filename == $profileobj.avatar)
29 #set($hasavatar = 1)
30 #end
31 #end
32 #end
33 #if($hasavatar == 1)
34 #set($pictureurl = "${profiledoc.getAttachmentURL($profileobj.avatar)}?width=52")
35 #set($picture = "<img src='")
36 #set($picture = $picture.concat($pictureurl))
37 #set($picture = $picture.concat("' alt='"))
38 #set($picture = $picture.concat($username))
39 #set($picture = $picture.concat("' title='"))
40 #set($picture = $picture.concat($username))
41 #set($picture = $picture.concat("'/>"))
42 #end
43 #end
44 #end
45 #set($ok = $!picturelist.put($username, $picture))
46 #end
47 $picturelist.get($username)
48 #end
49 #**
50 * Display a participant in the list of participants
51 * @param p the participant object of class MMCode.MeetingParticipantClass
52 *#
53 #macro(participantitem $p $isManager $status)
54 #set($username = $p.getProperty("username").value)
55 #set($participation = $p.getProperty("participation").value)
56 #set($message = $p.getProperty("message").value)
57 <li class="xitem xunderline #if($participation!='')$participation#else undecided my#end">
58 <span class="xitemcontainer">
59 <span class="username">#avatar($username)
60 <span class="participation">&nbsp;</span>
61 $xwiki.getUserName($username)
62 </span>
63 <span class="participationmessage">#if("$!message" != "")$message#end</span>
64 #if($isManager)
65 #set($redirect="$doc.getURL('view')#participants")
66 #set($delURL = $doc.getURL("objectremove","classname=MMCode.MeetingParticipantClass&classid=${p.number}&xredirect=$redirect"))
67 <span class="deleteparticipants">
68 #set($confirmationmsg = $msg.get('meetings.meeting.participants.confirmremove', ["$xwiki.getUserName($username, false)"]))
69 <a href="javascript:void()" onclick="javascript:if (!confirm('$confirmationmsg')){return false;} else { XWiki.MeetingManager.removeParticipant('${p.number}')}">
70 <img class="delete" src="$xwiki.getDocument('MMCode.MeetingManager').getAttachmentURL('cross.gif')" />
71 </a>
72 </span>
73 #end
74 #if($context.user == $p.get("username") && $status == "prepared")
75 <span id="modifymyparticipation">
76 <span >$msg.get('meetings.meeting.myparticipation.modify')</span>
77 </span>
78 <span class="clearfloats"></span>
79 <span id="myparticipation" #if($participation!="")class="hidden"#end>
80 <span>$msg.get('')</span>
81 <span>$p.display("participation", "edit")</span>
82 <span>$msg.get('meetings.meeting.myparticipation.message')</span>
83 <span>$p.display("message", "edit")</span>
84 <span><span class="buttonwrapper"><button id="savemyparticipation">$msg.get('')</button></span></span>
85 </span>
86 #end
87 </span>
88 </li>
89 #end
90 #**
91 * Determine if a given meeting is part of a meeting cycle
92 *#
93 #macro(isCyclic $meetingDoc $isCyclic)
94 #if($meetingDoc.getObject("MMCode.MeetingCycleItemClass"))
95 #set($isCyclic = true)
96 #else
97 #set($isCyclic = false)
98 #end
99 #end
100 #**
101 * Determine if a meeting date is planned already or not
102 * @param $meetingDoc the document that hold the meeting to test
103 * @return $isDateDefined a boolean that says if the date is planned or not
104 *#
105 #macro(isDateDefined $meetingDoc $isDateDefined)
Vincent Massol 2.1 106 #set($ok = $meetingDoc.use("MMCode.MeetingClass"))
Vincent Massol 1.1 107 #set($sdate = $meetingDoc.display("date"))
Vincent Massol 2.1 108 #if($sdate.equals("") || $sdate.equals("01/01/2000") || $sdate.equals("2000/01/01"))
109 #set($isDateDefined = false)
110 #else
Vincent Massol 1.1 111 #set($isDateDefined = true)
112 #end
113 #end
114 #**
115 * Determine if the context user is manager of the passed meeting
116 *#
117 #macro(isManager $meetingDoc $isManager)
118 #if(($meetingDoc.creator==$context.user || !$isWorkflowEnforced) && $meetingDoc.hasAccessLevel("edit"))#set($isManager = true)#else#set($isManager = false)#end
119 #end
120 #**
121 * Is participant
122 *#
123 #macro(isParticipant $meetingDoc $isParticipant)
124 #if($meetingDoc.getObject("MMCode.MeetingParticipantClass", "username", "$context.user"))
125 #set($isParticipant = true)
126 #else
127 #set($isParticipant = false)
128 #end
129 #end
130 #**
131 * The doodle
132 *#
133 #macro(attempttable $attempts $participants $closed)
134 #set($dispotable = $util.hashMap)
135 #foreach($p in $participants)
136 #set($ok = $dispotable.put("$p.get('username')", $util.arrayList))
137 #end
138 #if($participants.size() > 0)
139 <table id="meetingattempts">
140 <tr>
141 <td></td>
142 #foreach($attempt in $attempts)
143 <td class="meetingattempt">
144 <div class="date">$attempt.get("date")</div>
145 <div class="location">$attempt.get("location")</div>
146 </td>
147 #foreach($p in $participants)
148 #if($p.get('username') == $context.user) #set($myId = $p.number) #end
149 #if($listtool.contains($p.get('available').split(','), "$attempt.number"))
150 #set($ok = $dispotable.get("$p.get('username')").add("${attempt.number}:available"))
151 #elseif($listtool.contains($p.get('unavailable').split(','), "$attempt.number"))
152 #set($ok = $dispotable.get("$p.get('username')").add("${attempt.number}:unavailable"))
153 #else
154 #set($ok = $dispotable.get("$p.get('username')").add("${attempt.number}:unknown"))
155 #end
156 #end
157 #end
158 </tr>
159 #if($dispotable.containsKey($context.user) && !$closed)
160 #set($mydispo = $dispotable.remove($context.user))
161 #end
162 #if($mydispo)
163 <tr class="contextuser" id="mydisponibilities">
164 <td>$xwiki.getUserName($context.user, false) <strong>($msg.get(''))</strong></td>
165 #foreach($d in $mydispo)
166 <td class="$listtool.get($d.split(':'), 1)"><div rel="${listtool.get($d.split(':'), 0)}" class="my" /></td>
167 #end
168 <td class="save">
169 <span class="buttonwrapper"><button id="savemydisponibilities">$msg.get('')</button><span>
170 <div id="savemydisponibilitiesinfo" class="hidden"><img src=$xwiki.getDocument("MMCode.MeetingManager").getAttachmentURL('accept.gif') style="float:left;"></div>
171 <input type="hidden" id="myid" value="$myId" />
172 </td>
173 </tr>
174 #end
175 #foreach($p in $dispotable.keySet())
176 <tr>
177 <td class="username">$xwiki.getUserName($p, false)</td>
178 #foreach($d in $dispotable.get($p))
179 <td class="$listtool.get($d.split(':'), 1)">&nbsp;</td>
180 #end
181 <td></td>
182 </tr>
183 #end
184 </table>
185 #end
186 #end
187 {{/velocity}}